Friday, January 13, 2012

Tossing chunks... yay??

Well, today I am 7 weeks along in my pregnancy. WHAT 7 WEEKS ALREADY?! WOW! Our first prenatal appointment is in ONE WEEK! I'm thrilled!!

This past Sunday night I went to bed not feeling well. Kind of like I ate too much and nothing was digesting type feeling. I took a Tums, because I already have acid reflux disease anyways and since I haven't actually seen a doctor yet I haven't been taking my protonix, and assumed it was acid reflux and rubbed my stomach and eventually fell asleep. This was about 10 pm.

Come 4:30 am on Monday morning I was hugging the toilet! Finally about 5, part of the devil was let loose... yeah, only part. So I grab a rag, soak it in ice cold water, lay it over my forehead and alternate with my neck and go back to bed. Come 7 am I'm awoken again and run to the bathroom in fear I wont make it. You guessed it, about 30 minutes later here comes another part of the devil. I decide that it's probably morning sickness because my 6 week pregnancy calendars on all three of my apps (yes, I said three-lol) said that if I hadn't already experienced morning sickness that women usually start experiencing it now. I call into work leaving a voice message with my manager explaining my yucky situation. This vomit pattern continues (also having other end issues too- not abnormal because since I've found out I've had those issues anyways) about every 1 1/2 to 2 hours until about 4:30 pm. I wasn't able to even keep down Ginger Ale and saltines. It was bad... REAL bad. My husband was amazing though. When he woke up and realized that I was still in the bed (butt naked might I add because I was burning slam up- but not running a fever) he immediately started catering to me and babying me (like I should be, right?). He went to the store and got me the above mentioned ginger ale and saltines and checked on me very frequently. He would alternate the rice pack I stored in the freezer with a cold rag to keep me cooled off. I loved this, it made me smile. :)

So before he had to leave for work I decided I wanted to take a shower. BIG FREAKIN MISTAKE! I couldn't stand up long enough, especially holding my hands over my head to wash my hair or even wash my face with out feeling like I was going to faint. Literally. In our master bathroom, we have a stall shower so there are corner seats and I sat down on one of them. and just let the water run over my hair hoping (and doubting) I got all of the shampoo out of my hair and face wash off my face. Meanwhile, I was also bawling because I was terrified. In my mind, I was thinking " I can't do do this for 6 more weeks. There is no way! My hair has to get clean at some point" - just kidding about the last part.. kinda of. :) I made of the shower safe and sound and went right to the bed and laid down, wet and wrapped in a towel so I could get my composure and not feel like I was gonna wake up in the shower. Devin couldn't stay home from work and take care of me because he was required to be at work that night. It was the National Championship night and too many people had asked off work and couldn't get it. So if those who were supposed to be there called in, they were in trouble. (btw, ROLL TIDE! 14 National Championships.. yessss!)

Went to bed right after the game went off, and didn't toss chunks since 4:30 that night. Wasn't feeling better and was expecting to toss chunks at any moment. Planned to go to work on Tuesday, but since I hadn't ate anything and been able to keep it down, I called in to work again until I knew I could keep food down. I made my way to the kitchen and EVERYTHING looked so unappetizing!! made me feel worse looking at any food. I knew that I wasn't ready to make it to work. Here I was thinking again "why doesn't anyone ever tell you how nasty this part of pregnancy is?" and thinking this can't continue.

Later that day, my friend Heather's youngest started tossing chunks ( I went to her house that weekend). She was concerned and called her neighbor (who was also at her house that weekend) to see if he could watcher her oldest daughter while she took Teagan to the doctor. He had been sick that day too... tossing chunks and sick out the other end too. This made me fully believe what I had was a virus. Made me feel a little bit at ease that I didn't have to deal with this morning sickness!

I went back to work on Wednesday and still didn't feel normal all day. Even today I don't. Wait for ittttt.... yep, you guessed it... I think i'm experiencing all day nausea. Better than vomiting any day!!! Either way it's totally worth it for the life that I'm hosting in me for the next 7 1/2 ish months. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity. Now If I can just stop being so darn worried that my body is playing a cruel joke on us, or that when I go for our first ultrasound in a week (yay!!) that there wont be a heart beat , or that it will be an empty sack. It's normal I guess... but its a wait that sucks!

I think that's all for now. If something else comes up, I'll write!

P.S. I've had a request for a TTC story, which isn't much of one, but Becca... I'll begin to work on it for you! And I can't wait to see Junior and find out what his real name is :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Don't drink the water! Wait... why not?

Well, please, go ahead and drink the water. It's good for you. It has minerals and nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. It also tastes good, especially ice cold!

It REALLY irked me when I read a Facebook status of someone close to me that indicated (and this is not an exact quote) that they were 'happy for the people who are pregnant but scared to drink the water'- in fear of becoming pregnant. Well, believe it or not, drinking water can't get you knocked up. Only having sex can do that! *whew, that was a quick birds and bees lesson!* Secondly, only about 1 in every 2 pregnancies are unplanned in America- according to That means that half of the people in America DO try for a baby. They try, hope, pray, and pray some more that they can bring a precious life into this complicated world. That my friends, is how it happened. Our pregnancy was not an 'uh-oh!' and we definitely didn't get pregnant by drinking water (how silly does that sound?). Now, please don't misinterpret my rant- I was not attempting to point fingers at anyone for making that comment nor judge someone who had an unplanned pregnancy, just simply stating the fact to clear things up.

Okay, now that that is over and off my chest, I'll go on about happy stuff!
After contemplating over the past few days, I've decide to blog again. Probably more so because I now have something to blog about that I'd look forward to reading about again in the future and something that others may actually care about reading.... I'M PREGNANT! (Finally, I know it!)

On Christmas Eve's Eve, we found out that we were expecting our first child-current due date is August 31, 2012. This was not an unexpected event. On Tuesday night at work, I came down with a cold. It was odd because I never get colds. They are always going around at work and I never seem to catch one (although, I can't say that I didn't want to- this way I could go home for the day). So, because of the large amount of research I had been doing over the past two months, I knew that cold symptoms were a sign of pregnancy (did you know that? I believe it has to do with the increased blood flow and that your immune system is now taking preparations to protect the little seed growing!). So Wednesday morning when I woke up to get ready for work, I took an HPT. It was negative. I wasn't too upset, because (of my research consumption) I knew that 5 days before my missed period was kind of cutting it close. So, come Friday morning, I tested again with an HPT. At that point, I was using a Dollar General test and I saw a faint positive... Devin said he didn't see it, but I did! Among the large amount of research that I've done, I also found that if you see even a faint positive, then that means the hormone is being produced, which means pregnancy! I was happy, yet calm. I grabbed a digital test from the drawer and took it to work with me. An hour or two later, I took the digital test and it confirmed in digital letters 'PREGNANT'! BTW, why can't pregnancy tests say "Pregnant!" instead of "pregnant"? Give a little excitement with the news.. or maybe some company should create a test that at least appears to be excited for you when you get a positive result. Just an idea! The whole week prior to the cold-catching-day, I had been hoping and praying that I would be given some kind of sign from God that we would be expecting- like nausea or sore breasts. I never (and still haven't) had nausea or sore breasts. I hope the no nausea continues... but I'm only around 5 weeks pregnant, so I've got plenty of time to get on that train. Although, I have to admit, it almost doesn't seem real without having the symptoms that you always hear about like the nausea, morning sickness, and sore breasts.

That brings me to another point. I am absolutely terrified that I'm going to miscarry... and I think that's because I have no symptoms- like mentioned above. Everyday I'm having mild cramps, almost like the mild cramps you get a few days before you start your period. They aren't constant, they are random. Some are a little bit stronger, others are a little more faint. I'm sure it's just my uterus and body stretching to prepare itself for the growing baby.

Which brings me to another point... Our first appointment was on Tuesday, December 27, 2011. It was a confirmation appointment at the Women's and Children's center at Flower's Hospital in Dothan. I was under the assumption that they were going to draw blood and test for the hormone since I can take pee tests at home (which I had- 5 times, with 4 positives). They didn't. We went all the way to Dothan just for me to pee in a cup. Then she said "Congratulations", gave me prenatal vitamins and pretty much sent me on my way. I didn't even see the doctor. However, because I had asked her about complications of taking prenatal vitamins when you have pernicious anemia (which I do- diagnosed with this auto-immune disease in March) she had me wait to talk with the nurse. This nurse was friendly, but made me feel like she had never had a patient with pernicious anemia before.. in fact, she basically did say that. So, she had to call the dr and then call me with an answer. Turns out because my body doesn't absorb the vitamins, I have to take a total of 4 mg of folic acid a day. I take the prenatal vitamin has 1 mg of folic acid, and I take and additional 3-1 mg folic acid tablets a day- on top of my daily iron tablet and b12 injection every two weeks. So far, so good. Our first REAL prenatal appointment is January 20, 2012. The secretary said we'll have our ultrasound, doctor visit, and also talk about the insurance contract- about a 2 hour appointment. Can't wait!

Failed to mention this up above, but I told a select few friends on the Friday we found out, then the family on Saturday, and then the rest of our close friends on Sunday. Then, finally on Tuesday-after our pee confirmation with the dr- I made it Facebook official! I know, how lame.. but there are friends on Facebook that we have no other contact with. We almost didn't say anything on Facebook about it, but decided we wanted to. Devin's family of course was a little more excited because our baby will be the first Grandchild and great grandchild of both sides of his family. My mom was thrilled- when she read her Christmas card that was signed 'Love, Devin, Amanda, and Baby', she asked me if I was pregnant and when I responded, she started crying and dropped her present to hug us. I called my sister shortly after (she was in Memphis with her husband for Christmas) and told her.. she cried as well. Dad was pretty intrigued with his new camera that we gave him- he really didn't have much of a response- typical man... Devin's mom read the card-we announced it to them the same way- and she did this short squeal then rushed the card over to my father in law because she didn't want to spoil his surprise. He turned around and looked at me and said "Really?". His grandparents has great reactions as well.

Overall, our experiences have been great. No problems yet, hoping it stays that way.

It's currently 2:27 A.M. and I'm still up. This is the latest I've stayed up all week. I've been off work since December 23 and I got back to work on January 3... just a few more days left of my great vacation!

With that being said, I'm going to go lay in the bed with my husband since after Sunday night we'll go back to not getting to sleep together.